While optimizing your #devopstoolchain you need to consider the bigger picture. There many parts of the #toolchain to be taken into account. #DevOps focuses squarely on the rapid development and delivery of software and digital services to drive value. Rolling out DevOPs alone is already a major task. It requires investing heavily in projects to transform IT processes, upskill teams, integrate a new ecosystem of tools, and build out a technical framework that forms the software delivery engine. Then you need to ensure the operational availability of all the tools.
For all this to be effective and you to be able to optimize your toolchain, you need to look at the following:
DevOps and the DevOps Toolchain
Operational Complexity of DevOps Toolchains
Large number of pipelines & users
Large number of tools
High level of interconnection
Increasingly cloud-based nature of the DevOps tools
The Impact of DevOps Toolchain Disruption
Move Beyond Traditional Monitoring for Cloud-Based DevOps
Mature DevOps Requires Mature Toolchain Visibility
Learn more in the blog below.